Disintegration State



  • Community is a powerful thing. Within the confines of a discussion forum on electronic and experimental music, a collection of underground artists shared their aural constructions. Work that deserved to be heard but wasn’t. Through a chance discussion Kris Ilic aka Lowering connected with Steve Hadfield, and a mutual appreciation of each other’s music grew. There was something special brewing. With this and so much more stunning music languishing in a forum hidden from the world, the question came – what could be done about it? Starting a label seemed like a must. By June 2018, the dream was a reality with the release of double disc, label sampler Disintegrated Journey’s/Disintegrated Destinations, in which Electronic Sound called the label, “the newest purveyors of fine, cerebral electronic noise.” Since then a steady raft of incredible music has been unleashed from that forum out into the world, with a common thread of each being an experimental wonder in their own right. The label’s otherworldly aesthetic draws you in further. This is Disintegration State, the home of the electronica, drone and experimental music you didn’t know you needed but really did.
