F Club presents The Shapeshifters

  • SLO Čeprav prihajata iz Londona, sodita hišnika MTV-formata in negovalca klubske kulture, Simon in Max, med najbolj priljubljene didžeje v regiji, saj nas redno razvajata s svojimi seti in nikoli ne razočarata. Še vedno sta najbolj znana po hitih, kot so Lola's theme, Back to basics, Incredible in Sensitivity, a bi jima delali krivico, če bi njun glasbeni prispevek omejili na le teh nekaj klasik, saj vztrajno nizata hit za hitom. Lani sta s Stevom Edwardsom razgibala plesišča s skladbama Helter skelter in She freaks, zanimanje zbuja sodelovanje z "izumiteljem" housa, Frankiejem Knucklesom, letošnje poletje pa barvata s skladbo Waiting for you. Za dobro pripravo na žur prisluhnite njuni radijski oddaji Nocturnal Grooves. ANG The Shapeshifters hold strongly to their position of being one of the hottest DJ-acts in the Adriatic region. When it comes to music they always deliver, regardless if you like them for their MTV anthems or pieces of club culture that they so passionately spread through the Nocturnal Groove radio show and events. The guys behind club classics such as "Lola's Theme", "Back to Basics", "Incredible" and "Sensitivity" continue to produce hit after hit. Last year they joined forces with Steve Edwards for "Helter Skelter" and "She Freaks", and their latest summer anthem "Waiting For You" rocks the dance floors from Miami to Ibiza. All The Shapeshifters’ latest club bombs and a further selection of tracks that are rocking their dance floors are included on their latest compilation album“Nikki Beach – In The House: Mixed By The Shapeshifters”, out now. The Shapeshifters on-line: www.theshapeshifters.co.uk www.facebook.com/theshapeshifters
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